Is Diabetes the New Normal?
My mother always used to say Health is wealth and it is. If you want to be successful in anything in life, you must be healthy to achieve any of your goals. This means mental health and physical health.
Diabetes is becoming such a normal disease that many of us (now) dont care if we have it or not, some dont even try to prevent it. The statistics are going to surprise you.
My father has diabetes and I have see it progress over time, not in a good way. Even though we have so much technology around diabetes and many studies no one has found the cure to it just yet. Although living with diabetes became easier to deal with over the years, it is still painful and hard to accept sometimes. Trust me, your life wont be the same with diabetes. If you have Diabetes it is something you always have to be on top of and always be cautious about.
Although if you have diabetes, it does not mean you cant live your life to the fullest and live a long life. All you have to do is manage it in the correct manner. Meaning eat right with all your nutrients, prevent possessed foods and sugars (carbs), Exercise, go to the doctor regularly, get enough sleep and check your mental health. (Bad mental health can worsen diabetes).
You can also prevent diabetes or prolong it, if it is in your genetics. You can do to same things that control’s your diabetes. Meaning eat right with all your nutrients, prevent possessed foods and sugars (carbs), Exercise, go to the doctor regularly and get enough sleep also have a good mental health. You can also eat more home cooked meals rather than eating out at restaurants.
Hope this helps people get educated on diabetes and simple ways to control and prevent diabetes.
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