Everyone has different skin, but teenagers’ skin is much more different than most people. Other than teen skin having a higher cell turnover rate and heals more rapidly, teenagers also have skin problems. Most of the problems are caused by hormones to become adults (puberty), during this time teens and their body are really confused so it is no surprise that their skin is also a bit confused too. These hormones can cause you to have oily or really dry skin, sometimes combination skin.
Many teenagers have overly oily skin causing pores to be clogged and you to look shiny. This is the main cause of acne, inflammation, redness, pimples and more skin conditions. Another not very common skin problem is dry skin. Many people don’t think dry skin is a problem and many people purposely make their skin more dry which leads to more oil production for skin and for skin to just stress out. Dry skin can cause irreversible damage. For instance you can get eczema, scaly skin and worst of all you can get premature aging. Your skin can get thinner if you keep your skin dry, so drink lots of water and moisturize with a bit of oils. Combination skin is a combo of many skin types or conditions. The most common is dry skin around cheeks and oily skin around your T zone.
Teenagers’ biggest issues are mainly acne, redness, Eczema, sensitivity, sunburn and more, in some cases premature aging as well. Although all these problems are still a mystery of why exactly they are formed because there are many reasons why Acne and other conditions are there. Although we have some ways you can manage or completely get rid of teenage skin problems.
Ingredients for teenage skin:
Vitamin A: I love vitamin A because it is great for all ages and it cures more than just one issue. For one if you have ever heard of the product differin gel (it is an acne treatment used once a day) the main ingredient is adapalene a type of retinoid like compound or vitamin A. This acne treatment works so well for almost every skin type and it targets the source of the acne and gets rid of it, it not only does that but it brightens, heals, firmens, gets rid of acne scars, uneven skin tone and is extremely flexible with your skincare routine, so you don’t have to change anything about your skin care routine all you have to do is add it. Vitamin A can also be called retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, beta-carotene (plant version). Vitamin A in general benefits the epidermis layer of the skin, healing, gets rid of or prevents acne, collagen production, slows aging, dark spots, hydration, prevents sun damage and much much more, it also prevents cancer. I will say for everyone in the world, YOU NEED VITAMIN A. Vitamin A is a super powerful antioxidant.
Vitamin C: If you have discolored or uneven skin tone, or if you have dull skin, or scarring on skin, damage, dark spots, damaged skin, dry skin, hyperpigmentation, a lot of UV exposure or have a free radical issue. Vitamin C is amazing for your skin. This is an extra and can be used at any age although I would prefer after the age of 16–20 throughout your adult life. Vitamin C fixes all those small problems we see and it makes us feel so much better as well. You can have bright radiant skin since Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.
Vitamin E is amazing for skin, it reduces damage to skin and makes it stronger to withstand more things. It is known that it is effective against UV damage and protects your skin from free radicals and the damage they can cause. Vitamin E helps reduce stretch marks and ageing and that also means premature ageing as well. Vitamin E is also anti inflammatory and is amazing in moisturizers since it is very moisturizing itself. Vitamin E is amazing for teenagers since it promotes moisture, less dead skin cells and that means less clogged pores or acne.
Salicylic acid: Salicylic acid helps the skin to shed dead cells from the top layer and by decreasing redness and swelling (inflammation). It is even found in potatoes and it is gentle enough to use everyday (preferable in cleansers). After using the product with salicylic acid it is prefered to moisturize. This works best for mild or a little bit of acne, but be aware of the potential side effects: severe burning, dryness, or irritation of the skin.
FUN FACT: Many people dry out their skin to get rid of acne, but the best way to get rid of it is with keeping your skin healthy. Overly oily is bad, but dry skin is the worst of all. Acne can actually worsen because of dry skin since dead skin cells cause more bacteria and more clogged pores. Have well hydrated skin, in my preference Coconut oil since it has Lauric acid which helps kill bacteria that causes acne and scaring. It also has healing properties so your skin will heal better, not to mention it has vitamin E in it naturally.