A Girl That Killed Herself After Changing Her Gender… Was It Really That Bad?!

I can’t believe more people are not talking about this!

6 min readJan 9, 2023

So, you may be asking yourself. Why did she change her gender? Why did she hate being a man? Or better yet, why did she kill herself? Of course, you may have thought this was just her life decision and it did not turn out how she wanted it, but the truth will most certainly shock you. I’m not going to let the suspense hit any longer, so here it is…

A woman named Norah Vincent was born on September 20, 1968. Norah was actually a feminist at the beginning of her life for many years. She believed that men had easier lives and they were a threat to women. She almost hated men and was actually a lesbian for that reason. To prove her point to the world, she quite literally changed her gender, in a social experiment for two years. She trained with voice coaches to make her voice deeper, she changed the way she walked, dressed, and acted. She even changed her name to Ned. She did not actually change her gender, she just wanted to see how the world treated men. Remember, this was only intended solely as an experiment to prove to the world that women have it harder than men do.

To prove this she not only changed her life to a man's life, but she also went to clubs, dates, and groups as a man. She did activities a typical man would do, and she was astonished, to say the least. She wanted to get an authentic experience of being a man. You would have thought that her life would have gotten better, right? You wouldn’t have to deal with periods, childbirth, safety, mean comments, sexism, etc. Right? WRONG!!! Even I thought that she may have liked it even better, I was so wrong.

She understood the sexuality of both men and women, where men were more physical, and women were more mentally attracted to people. This means that women tend to create connections with people using their brains more than their bodies alone. Norah also saw how men interacted with each other, and she was surprised to learn that men were actually really nice, kind, and understanding towards each other. She also understood the fact that women don't appreciate men for all that they do. They literally throw them away. She learned how men are pressured in society to be masculine, to hide their feelings, and to support their families financially. She understood why men’s suicide rate is so much higher than women's.

Screen Shot of her quote

She hated being a man mainly because women treated “him” like trash. I am not even joking. Women would talk bad about him, yell at him, accuse him of things he did not even do, and just be mean in general. Even when men want to ask a woman on a date, a simple “no” from the woman can literally shatter a man, and that is because they worked so hard to build up the courage to come up to you and ask you without embarrassing themselves and women just shut them down so easily without even thinking. You can reject someone, but please with kindness and a little consideration, because if you think about we as women don’t have to go up to anyone and really ask them out or anything. It just happens for us. This is just one example of what Norah went through. The experiment ended early and lasted only one and a half years due to the mental scars and mistreatment she faced from women. Before she died she wrote a book called “Self Made Man” in which she wrote about her experiences about truly being a man. After one and a half years of this torture, she killed herself via assisted death at a clinic in Switzerland on July 6, 2022, at 53. She could not believe or accept that women treat men this badly in many developed countries especially. I also believe that the guilt of misunderstanding men and mistreating them would have also led her to decide on ending her life.

Image of book released in the year 2006

Women are fighting to be men, they are fighting to be their equal when everyone knows that is impossible. Men do things that women can't do and women do things that men cant do. That is just a fact of nature. This just goes to show that women don't only go through things, men do too. Men are actually stepping back out of kindness so we have the spotlight. Most men actually love us and care about us and our feelings. This just goes to show that women don't understand men. Men need our love, care, and support and they especially need each other.

As a girl myself, I love women’s rights and all, but this my friend is going too far. Women's rights, freedom, and feminism does not give us an excuse to be mean to people and assume the worst in them just because they are a man. If you think about it, most men are actually nice and are not trying to harm females. I’ll admit that in the beginning, I felt that all men are horrible, but they're not. Just like women, men are also going through things, it is just natural that life will always have obstacles and problems to face. We are all human beings and we all make mistakes that do not make us bad people unless that person did it with the wrong intentions of course.

“People see weakness in a woman and they want to help. They see weakness in a man and they want to stamp it out.”
— Norah Vincent

I will never say “don’t be careful”, be careful and find the right person. This goes for both men and women. We have to make sure that we as humans are not toxic in any relationship towards each other. Humans in general can be mean, negative, and sad. It does not matter what gender or race they are, it is just human nature. As women, we also do horrible things to men and to each other. Just think about it, I think you’ll find many examples. We all should be kind, understanding, and sweet to one another in order for this world to change at all. I understand that we women are tired of being suppressed and don’t want that ever to happen again. The best way to have equality in life is to give equal opportunities, jobs, education and etc. The root cause is how parents are raising the kids of the next generation, but that’s for another blog. Just know that men are not out to destroy us, 90% of them are really sweet and have good intentions. We all can help this society together.

I first heard of Norah Vincent a few weeks ago on a Youtube short. After reading this story, I was truly moved, but it took a woman's life to make us realize that this is wrong. I have definitely changed my views after hearing this on Youtube Shorts. So I decided to share this heartbreaking story with you guys, so you all don't make the same mistake. I am only 15 years old, and I learned my lesson. I promise to treat everyone with equality and kindness as I always did. I took this story as a sign from the universe to teach me and change myself for the better. I hope you all do that as well. Thank You!




IB STEM student who is passionate about philosophy, justice, cozy reading, and writing. Explore my insights on my blog: https://cozyspace2.wordpress.com/