9 ways I became a GOOD young writer and made profit. BLOGMAS DAY 1!!!
Every writer wants to be the best writer, to be honest there is no such thing. Everyone in this world likes something different and will read different content and we can’t satisfy everyone. Although we can become great writers, here are 11 things you can do to your blogs to make any blog go big.
I was 14 years old when I started to write and started out with no followers and no views. I just started medium a few days ago. It was hard at first to deal with, although I did not give up. From my experience I can say that the little things matter more than the content you make.
1. Image:
Most people say ¨Don’t judge a book by its cover¨, the honest truth is everyone judges every book, blog advertising and more by how it looks. If you put good images to draw people in you can get more views than ever before. The first tip is to SEE THE TREND. See the trend of new styles and images, be modern and don’t be too overpowering. Here are a few styles…
- Vector illustrations
- 3D vector
- Coffee
- Aesthetic
- realistic people photos
- Abstract and more…
Some of my favorite places to get image from are:
- https://www.vecteezy.com/free-vector/working-together
- https://burst.shopify.com/photos/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=planner&button=
- https://icons8.com/illustrations
- https://unsplash.com/
You should act like the boss. I used to write what other people like and I used to be desperate for others’ attention for my blogs. Now I am confident in what I write, I use others’ advice and make each blog better than the last, but I do it at my own pace and I write about what I want to write about and don’t care if others like it or not. Other people should be despite for your blogs or books. Most successful blogs or writers write what they want when they want to write it. As a young blogger the biggest piece of advice is never to be desperate in anything you are trying to start whether it is a business or if it is a blog it does not matter. At the end feel confident and feel good that you did this.
3. The title matters:
The title matters: Titles draw the reader in. If the title is too complicated or boring, people don’t want to read your blogs. Keep your title simple and short and direct to the point. Keep the title linked to you or make it informational. Like, ¨7 ways I got 1,000 $ a month¨, or ¨A Guide To…¨ or “… No One Will Tell You¨ and more. Make people curious. If you want to target one specific group for instance if you blog only about designing then you want to use titles like “How To….”, “Everything You Need To Know About….”.
4. Don’t get your readers bored:
No one likes a blogger that does the same things over and over again. Create new content and create new ways of saying certain things. Also do challenges like blogmas where you blog from December first till Christmas or do a chapter book series for instance create a story and release one chapter at a time (or one chapter per week or month). You can also do small challenges and challenge other people. These are all ideas of course, you can create new challenges, trends and ideas as well.
5. Create constant content:
People like people that create content at a steady and constant pace. Like I post one blog per week on Tuesday (unless it’s blogmas, were I post everyday). People will be waiting for your posts and you don’t want to let them down.
6. Study viral content:
Observe content, blogs and stories that go viral or have many views and likes. See what they are doing to get all these views, don’t only look at the content, look at how they said their title, look at the font, the size, the images, the wording and also look at the content because it may be the new trend. You can see what people like and you have to use psychology to attract people to your blog or writing.
7. Be social online and on medium:
Read and Comment on Other Blogs, be social on your blogging site. If you use medium, comment, support and like other peoples blogs. When someone follows you, follow them back. Medium has a very positive community so be social in that community, make sure people know about you and ask for help if you need it.
8. Advertise:
If you have social media or any advertisement platform you can advertise and make sure the world knows about your blogs. Make sure to advertise with color and images and good wording. Make your advertisement short because people don’t like to read too much.
9. Lastly logo and recognition:
I recommend having a small logo for your blog so people know who you are when they see it. Your logo can be your profile picture or a small image at the corner of your blogs. You can even advertise with your logo so people know who you are through the picture or logo they see. Of course this is completely optional, but this does make things more professional.
Here is how you make money on medium.
Click on your profile picture and you should see a thing called ¨Medium Partner program¨ you have to sign up there to earn money.
The criteria is…
- You must have at least one story published
- You must already have 100 or more followers
- Next is to stay active meaning you have to publish at least once every six months to keep earning.
You can also keep track of your earnings, followers, likes and more using medium stats. Its a great way to earn a little while you do what you love.
Remember writing is also for fun, if you love to write you naturally will have the talent for it. Don’t worry and go with the flow.